Welcome To R.S.S. PRIVATE I.T.I.

Welcome to the official web site of the R.S.S. PRIVATE I.T.I., an institute dedicated to providing quality education to the peoples. This college boasts of finest courses and best standards and has earned a reputation for itself. Under the able management of College, this college has seen churned out some very fine students who have made a mark for themselves in the society. Through this web site, we have made an attempt to present before you some of the features that one can expect from a good institution. Please feel free to get in touch with us incase of any query.

Latest News

  • Admission Open For Electrician
  • Admission Open For Fitter
  • Director's Message

    We can't imagine a good scope of employement in absence of 'TECHNICAL EDUCATION'.Today, aim of education is not only getting the knowladge but also becoming a well quailified, well civilised person by considering the social and moral values in our mind. Under the Technical Education, students are prepared selfdependent by educating them educational and corporate training. Corporate/Technical trained students are recruited now the days in factories, industries and many different departments of State Govt. and Central Govt. also. Technical Education/Training has become an easy medium of getting employement. This is the main reason that importence of technical education and training is increasing constantly.



    10th Pass
    2 Year


    10th Pass
    2 Year

    About RSS Private ITI

    Welcome to the official web site of the R.S.S. PRIVATE I.T.I., an institute dedicated to providing quality education to the peoples. This college boasts of finest courses and best standards and has earned a reputation for itself......